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21.11.2012 17:17 - За конкурсите през 18.в
Автор: chukcha Категория: Музика   
Прочетен: 810 Коментари: 0 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 23.11.2012 19:46

Когато името на кандидата е говорело само за себе си - например Телеман, за когото немските градове биха се избили да го прилапат за кантор, явяването му било нещо като "конкурс по документи". В други случаи кандидатите са представяли писмени препоръки от авторитетни, известни и уважавани имена - само Бах е написал десетки такива за свои ученици. В повечето случаи обаче кандидатите са се явявали на конкурси, които никак не са били от лесните.

Ето няколко откъса от документи, илюстриращи казаното (използвам английските им преводи, защото, ако тръгна да ги превеждам, ще загубят цялата си атмосфера). Отнасят се до назначаването на Бах за кантор в Лайпциг - изключително престижна и отговорна длъжност, за която е недопустимо да се назначава кого да е.

Chronicle of Leipzig by Salomon Riemer:
On June 5 died Mr. Johann Kuhnau, Director musices at the two principal churches of St. Thomas and St. Nicholas, and the same in St. Paul’s Church of the University, and no less Cantor at the St. Thomas School, aged 62 years and 2 months, a learned man, expert in art, who not only had a good understanding of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin but also, in addition to his music, was a finished mathematician, and no less, before he became Cantor, had been a well-learned lawyer.

On August 9 the test for the Cantorate was passed by Mr. Telemann. Although he had sought the same both orally and in writing, as well as the Directorium at a Worshipful University, yet after he had received an increase of a few hundred thaler in Hamburg, his application was withdrawn.

On February 7, Quinquagesima Sunday, Mr. Sebastian Bach, then Capellmeister at Coeten, passed his test for the post of the Cantorate made vacant by the death of late Mr. Kuhnau. Some time before this, four others had passed their tests, namely, (1) [Christian Friedrich Rolle] the Capellmeister of Altenburg [recte: Magdeburg], [2] Mr. Graupner, Dir. Musices in the New Church.

On May 30 [recte: June 1] Mr. Johann Sebastian Bach, formerly Capellmeister at Coeten, entered upon the Cantorate he had obtained.

и в един друг документ по същия повод четем:

On Sunday last [February 7] in the morning the Hon. Capellmeister of Coeten, Mr. Bach, gave his test here at the Church of St. Thomas for the hitherto vacant cantorate, the music of the same having been amply praised on that occasion by all knowledgeable persons. Mr. Schott, Director of the Collegium Musicum here, also presented his test in the New Church on the Feast of Purification [February 2], and the vacant position mentioned above will now be filled very soon by the Hon. And Most Wise [Town] Council.

Тестът представлявал изпълнение на две негови кантати съответно преди и след църковната служба - Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwoelfe, BWV 22 и Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23. На всичкото отгоре градската управа на Лайпциг покрива щедро разходите на Бах (цели 20 райхсталера) с обяснението, че той е бил поканен по нейна инициатива.

Е, картинката не би била пълна, ако не споменем и случаи, когато назначенията са се правили по един... хм... доста познат ни днес начин. Ще си позволя да цитирам малко повече за случая, защото си заслужава. Става дума за кандидатстването на Бах за органист Св. Яков в Хамбург през 1720 - три години преди назначаването му в Лайпциг (обърнете внимание на (4) по-долу):

Anno 1720, September 12. Heinrich Friese, the organist and clerk of this Church, died. Whereupon

Anno 1720, November 21. The Pastor, with the two gentlemen of the Congregation, as well as the four Beadles namely – Mr. Bernhard Cropp and Mr. Fridericus Wahn, Thurstees of the Sepulcher, and Mr. Johan Luttas and Mr. Johan Caspar Weber, Annual Trustees – were together in the Church camber, where, the formalities having been discharged, Mr. Bernhard Cropp pointed out that various persons had entered their names for the choice of an organist, which the four Beadles herewith presented, namely:

Mr. Matthias Christoph Wideburg [formerly Capellmeister at Gera]; Mr. Heinrich Zinck, Organist at Itzeho; Mr. Vincent Luebec Junior; Mr. Johann Joachim Heitmann; Mr. Johann Sebastian Bach; Mr. Frenkel, Organist at Ratzeburg; Mr. Lueders; Mr. Hetzog.

When these names had been read, Mr. Beckhoff, in the name of the gentlemen present, replied; hereupon various points were discussed, namely:

(1) How many of the above eight persons should be admitted to trial?
Conclusum: All the competent ones should be admitted to trial.

(2) […]

(3) At what time the trial should take place, so the competent persons might present themselves for it?
Conclusum: The same could most conveniently take place on November 28, being Thursday, after the hour of prayers.

(4) The question was raised whether it was desired that money should be given for the organist’s post; on which point it was decided that:
There were many reasons not to introduce the sale of the organist’s post, because it was part ministry of God; accordingly to the choice should be free, and the capacity of the candidates should be more considered than the money. But if after the selection had been made, the chosen candidate of his own free will wished to give a token of hid gratitude, the latter could be accepted for the benefit of the Church and the Holly Sepulcher, entered the books, and used again where it was needed.

[…] it was resolved in God’s to proceed to the choice, and thus Johann Joachim Heitmann was chosen by the majority vote, viva voce, as organist and clerk of the St. Jacobi Church, which was also indicated to him by Church servant, and he was asked to appear at the Church Chamber; […]

Между другото, Бах прекъсва участието си в конкурса, тъй като е извикан обратно в Кьотен.

По-нататък в документа в записано, че Хайтман е засвидетелствал своята признателност, като е платил 4000 марки.

Няколко години по-късно, през 1728 по повод на този злощастен конкурс, Йохан Матезон, едно от големите имена в немската музикална култура (композотор, музиковед и авторитетен музикален критик), пише в Der Musicalische Patriot:

I remember, and a whole large congregation will probably also remember that a few years ago a certain great virtuoso, whose merits have since brought him a handsome Cantorate, presented himself as candidate for the post of organist in a town of no small size, exhibited his playing on the most various and greatest organs, and aroused universal admiration for his ability; but there presented himself at the same time, among other unskilled journeymen, the son of a well-to-do artisan, who was better at preluding with his thalers than with his fingers, and he obtained the post, as may be easily conjectured, despite in fact that almost everyone was angry about it. This took place just at Christmas time, and the eloquent chief preacher, who had not concurred in the Simoniacal deliberations, expounded in the most splendid fashion the gospel of the music of the angels at the birth of Christ, in which connection the recent incident of the rejected artist gave him quite naturally the opportunity to reveal his thoughts, and to close his sermon with something like the following pronouncement: he was firmly convinced that even if one of the angels of Bethlehem should come down from Heaven, one who played divinely and wished to become organist of St. Jacobi, but had no money, he might just as well fly away again.

Ако цитираните документи са ви отегчили, имайте предвид, че се погрижих да направя само извадки от тях и да ви спестя още около 400 страници аналогични материали. Така например, не по-малко забележителен е спорът (какъв ти спор, то си било жив скандал!) между Бах и ректора на Томасшуле Ернести по повод едно протеже на Ернести, оказало се некадърен водач на църковния хор в Томаскирхе, когото Бах в един момент почти изхвърля с ритници от църквата. Освен че бил тотален некадърник, пеел и фалшиво! Но това е дуга тема.

Та, такива ми ти работи... nihil sub sole novum, както са го казали векове преди барока и векове след него :)

Тагове:   барок,   конкурси,   Бах,


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